At St John of God Foundation, our commitment is to advancing discoveries in holistic health care with a focus on human dignity.
From the profound personal impact of tailored treatment, to the far-reaching effects of our leading medical research, we are helping to transform both individual patient experiences and community health outcomes.
Your ongoing support to St John of God Foundation will help us transform healthcare through excellence in personalised patient treatment and leading medical research.
Our current projects

Expressing gratitude can be a meaningful way of honouring your time, or the care of a loved one, in our hospital.
Read moreCurrent Projects
A Gift of Hope is a gift of financial support provided to in-need Australians suffering from a life threatening condition, such as cancer.
Raising funds to bring joy and comfort to patients in palliative care and their families.
With support from the Foundation, St John of God Health Care carries our important medical and health research to give hope to thousands of patients across Australia.
Your donation will help St John of God Foundation support provide state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to improve health outcomes in our community.
Through your support we can continue to advance new patient treatment in areas of greatest need, giving people access to transformational healthcare when it is most needed.
Hearing the news that I only had 12 months to live was shocking - Alex Marshall
Read more about the Foundation's current projects

Leading medical research
With support from the Foundation, St John of God Health Care carries out important medical and health research to give hope to thousands of patients across Australia
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Personalised patient treatment
Through your support we can continue to advance new patient treatment in areas of greatest need, giving access to transformational healthcare when it is most needed.
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Gifts of Hope. A life-changing health initiative.
A Gift of Hope is a gift of financial support provided to in-need Australians suffering from a life threatening condition, such as cancer.
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