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Our beginnings

Our history began in 1895 when eight sisters traveled from Ireland to Australia to care for people in Western Australia.

Soon after, more women joined the Sisters in Australia, which led to the opening of hospitals in Western Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales, establishing St John of God Health Care

The Sisters' commitment to giving back to the community and delivering high quality healthcare services led to the establishment of St John of God Foundation, which continues the legacy of the Sisters to this day.  

Recent history

Collaborating with St John of God Health Care, the Foundation strives to improve health outcomes and quality of life for patients, families and communities by raising funds to support new patient therapies, state-of-the-art technology, equipment, and personalised treatment options, as well as advancing discoveries in medicine to better diagnose, treat, and cure disease through excellence in medical research.

Celebrating 25 years of support

On 3 June 2019 St John of God Foundation recognised a significant milestone, recognising its 25th year anniversary.

Since 1994, the Foundation has raised over $40 million to deliver major improvements in healthcare and social welfare. Read more about our previous projects below.

Over the past 25 years, the Foundation has raised over $40 million to support the delivery of major healthcare improvements, including:

Your gift can change a life.