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Q. What’s been your most memorable moment as Foundation CEO?

A: It’s hard to choose just one! Hearing from a patient or client on the very personal, life-changing impact donor support has had for them and their family always touches my heart.

One of the first times I recall this happening was when Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) was first made available to patients at our St John of God Subiaco Hospital. IORT delivers a one-time, targeted dose of radiation to breast cancer patients during surgery, meaning a patient can avoid spending weeks receiving traditional radiotherapy.

I still remember the hospital’s first-ever IORT patient, Debra, and how grateful she was to donors for making this treatment possible.

I’ve also been honoured to connect with some very special donors alongside their families during their best and darkest times. One of whom sadly lost his battle to cancer after receiving novel immunotherapy treatment, which gave him another few years of quality life with his beloved family. Supporting oncology trials through philanthropy became a cause that was personal and meaningful for him. His passing was incredibly sad, but it was a privilege and honour to have known him and provide comfort that his legacy could continue in line with his wishes to help future generations of cancer patients.

That’s something I’ll never forget.

Q. If you could switch roles with any caregiver at St John of God Health Care for a day, who would it be and why?

A. I have an immense amount of respect and admiration for our nursing caregivers, who I see work incredibly hard each day to deliver care of the highest standard to patients in our hospitals and services. I would consider it an honour to spend time seeing the world through their eyes. I’ve been a patient myself throughout life’s moments in some of our WA hospitals, from celebrating the births of my two children, to having surgery, and I have always been in awe of how the whole team goes above and beyond to ensure every person in their care is treated with compassion and dignity, offering comfort in times of need.

Q. What are you looking forward to in the final few months of 2024?

A. Christmas! The festive season is such a special time, where people often feel inspired to reflect on their blessings and find ways to give back to those in need. It’s a time when our community truly embraces the spirit of giving, hope and joy, including all of our hospitals and services.

One of my colleagues in the Foundation has quite the collection of Christmas shirts, and we always have office Christmas decoration competitions, both of which always make me smile. I cherish spending Christmas time with family and friends, enjoying the warm weather and joy of the season.

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