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“Our love must not be just words or mere talk
 but something active and genuine.”

1 John 3:18

On March 8th, we celebrate St John of God Day, the feast day to honour the incredible life of a man who dedicated his life to caring for the vulnerable and neglected in his community.

Last year, I had the privilege of learning more about the life and history of St John of God in Granada, Spain. His daily practice of providing a place for unwanted people to feel loved and safe can be described as small miracles for the people who needed help.

St John of God is known as the patron saint of hospitals, the sick, and nurses, among other patronages. I am inspired by his genuine love and compassion for the sick, poor, and those suffering from mental illness.

These qualities are also echoed in the kindness we see every day, and small miracles performed, from people like you.

Your kindness isn't just a gesture; it's a powerful force capable of bringing hope, healing, and even changing lives.

This year we mark the 30th anniversary of St John of God Foundation. Reflecting on three decades of community support, the legacy of our patron saint feels more alive than ever. It lives on in every act of kindness, in every moment of compassionate care, and in the hearts of those who see someone in need and choose to make a difference.

Building on our proud history and walking side by side with amazing supporters like you, we look forward to many more years of real impact for our communities together.

Thank you for being an essential part of this journey, contributing to the legacy that defines our organisation. We are so grateful for your enduring compassion, kindness and commitment to our healing mission.

In gratitude,

Bianca Pietralla
CEO, St John of God Foundation